aitc store
To order products from our store, please either contact our office (208.888.0988) or print our Store Order Form and return to our office with payment.
The Fairy Tale Trail
Line of Farm-Friendly Fairy Tales is a collection of fairy tales to strengthen ties between children and agriculture.

Jack and the Cornstalk

Little Red Overalls

The Three Little Racing Pigs

Beauty and the Bees

Ciderella and the Little Glass Sipper

The Three Silly Goats
Agriculture Activity Books

Welcome to Our Honey Farm

Welcome to Our Pumpkin Farm

Welcome to Our A-Maze-ing Cornfield!

The Wish and the Peacock (Hardcover)
4th-6th Grades
4th-6th Grades
$15.00 + shipping & handling

The Cow in Patrick O'Shanahan's Kitchen (Hardback)
$12.00 + shipping & handling

The Tree Farmer's Twelve Days of Chirstmas

Who Grew My Soup?
AITC Apparel

"Teachers Feed The Mind..." T-shirt
S, M, L, XL, XXL
Choose Color: Turquoise / Burgundy / Red / Purple / Royal Blue / Light Blue

S, M, L, XL, XXL
Choose Color: Gray / Light Blue / Tan

"Future Farmer" T-shirt
Children's Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL

Growing Food is Not a Waste of Water
S, M, L, XL, XXL
Choose Color: Cardinal Red / Texas Orange / Military Green / Indigo Blue

Farmers "Somebody has to feed you people" Shirt
S, M, L, XL
Choose Color: Green / Pink / Brown / Ash
Miscellaneous Items

Kauffman Hearty Barley Soup Mix
Available for Christmas Gifts - $2.50 per bag
A delicious Idaho product with so many options for preparing. AITC will pay the shipping costs on this special deal!

Exploring Idaho Agriculture Puzzle 5"x7" 15 piece
$0.25 each or 5/$1.00

Itty Bitty Farmer Bib
Choose Color: Pink / Blue

Denim Book Bag

AITC Apron (Blue)

The Honey Files DVD and Teaching Guide

10 Things Kids want to know about Farming VHS/Lesson Plan Guide

Addressing Early Misconceptions about Agriculture Kit

Addressing Early Misconceptions about Agriculture Instructor's Guide & DVD

Choose Color: Green / Blue / Tan

Idaho Ag notecards

"Thank Idaho Ag License Plate Frame

Stress Reliever Apple

Canvas Book Bag

Note Cards — Barns

Note Cards — Animals

Animal Erasers (Set of 5)

Stress Reliever Animals
$3.00 each